What Is The Alexander Technique?

Put simply, it’s a sound method for ‘turning your life around’, whatever your starting point. It’s a method you can use for personal change with the aim of enhancing your life. For example, if this is you: * I have postural or movement difficulties * I have undiagnosable aches and pains * I have undiagnosable [...]

What Is The Alexander Technique?

How Do I Learn The Alexander Technique?

You can have lessons or take courses to learn. In both, your teacher works with you to improve your balance and coordination, helping you to use less muscular effort in simple activities like sitting, standing and walking. As you experience being upright with less effort, you can start to notice how you pull yourself out [...]

How Do I Learn The Alexander Technique?

How Long Does It Take To Learn The Alexander Technique?

Mastering any skill and putting it into practice takes time. Learning the Alexander Technique is no different. It simply takes time to develop the necessary insight and understanding for making the changes you seek. Once you have this knowledge, it’s yours to keep and to go on developing. You can have lessons or take courses [...]

How Long Does It Take To Learn The Alexander Technique?

How Can The Teacher’s Hands-on Work Help Me?

Words can help you learn a great deal but they don't always show the whole picture. If you’re learning the Alexander Technique in one-to-one lessons or on one of our short courses, any input you receive from the teacher’s work with the hands provides you with valuable information. This input can help you find out [...]

How Can The Teacher’s Hands-on Work Help Me?

Will The Alexander Technique Cure My Backache?

Backache can have many causes, and you should always consult your GP about yours. If you and your GP have checked out there is nothing medically wrong, then it may be that your backache is the result of you going about things in an unhelpful way. If your symptoms arise from applying your efforts in [...]

Will The Alexander Technique Cure My Backache?

Is the Alexander Technique About Learning Good Posture?

To answer this question, it helps to define what we mean by ‘posture’… Whether we are standing, sitting, walking, running or lying down, there is always our body. Posture is the relationship of the parts of our body. You could say it is the way we configure ourselves as a very real object in space; [...]

Is the Alexander Technique About Learning Good Posture?
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